How CBD Helps To Improve Your Immune System

How CBD Helps To Improve Your Immune System

The term “immunity” is often discussed in health and wellness circles. Many products claim to improve immunity, including supplements, natural herbs, spices, and greens. The latest addition to this list is cannabis.

The expanding cannabis industry has made its mark in various segments, including food, cosmetics, and alternative medicine. The powerful cannabinoids in cannabis can offer a range of benefits, one of which is enhancing immunity.


How CBD Helps To Improve Your Immune System

So, what is immunity, and how does CBD from cannabis play a role in enhancing your immunity? Let’s explore these questions further.

The Immune System

Immunity refers to the strength of our immune system to protect the body against diseases and infections caused by foreign bodies such as viruses and bacteria. Without an immune system, even a common cold could turn fatal.

The immune system comprises a network of tissues, cells, and organs that work together to eliminate foreign bodies and malfunctioning cells, reducing the risk of tumours. Achieving optimal immune system function is crucial. Underactivity increases the risk of infections, while overactivity can lead to autoimmune conditions where the system attacks healthy cells.

What Is The Role Of CBD In This Process?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates several body functions, including memory, sleep, appetite, pain, and inflammation. The ECS contains CB receptors that bind with endocannabinoids to initiate specific functions. These receptors are found throughout the body, including the immune system. The ECS works with various body systems to initiate responses such as inflammation.


How CBD Helps To Improve Your Immune System

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the major phytocannabinoids in the cannabis plant. It interacts primarily with CB2 receptors in the immune and gastrointestinal systems. High-quality CBD, such as that from, binds to CB receptors to improve ECS functioning. CBD also increases endocannabinoid levels in the body, promoting balance.

CBD for Inflammation

Inflammation is a common immune response indicating a problem. It helps inhibit infections and eliminate affected cells to prevent spread. CBD promotes a healthy inflammatory response, aiding in antibody identification and improving system function.

Animal studies show CBD influences lung health markers such as elastance, resistance, myeloperoxidase activity, and protein concentration, contributing to improved respiratory functions.

CBD also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help curb chronic conditions like arthritis. Chronic inflammation can stress the immune system, and CBD helps reduce this response, easing pain, swelling, and redness.


CBD reduces the body’s inflammatory response to triggers, improving immune health and quality of life for patients with inflammatory conditions.

CBD As Immunomodulator

CBD’s immunosuppressant properties help curb autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and cancer by controlling immune system overactivity. It acts as an immunomodulator, enhancing the immune response to foreign bodies and supporting balanced immune function. CBD identifies the necessary actions to fight issues and maintain homeostasis.

CBD And Gut Microbes

The GI tract, a significant part of the immune system, contains lymphoid tissues and effector cells. Gut microbes play a crucial role in eliminating toxins and strengthening immunity. Inflammatory gut problems can impair immune response. CBD’s ability to trigger a healthy inflammatory response improves gut health and immune function.

How To Utilize CBD For Improved Immune Function?

The rapid growth of the CBD industry has introduced diverse CBD products, including edibles, tinctures, oils, and topicals like creams and lotions. There are versatile ways to use CBD.

How CBD Helps To Improve Your Immune System

Add a few drops of CBD oil to your diet through juices, shakes, tea, salad, or cooking. Use balms and creams to curb local inflammation.


With ongoing research into the relationship between CBD and immunity, this compound might become a more common and effective way to boost overall health in the future.