6 Reasons Why Mums Are Swapping Wine for CBD ?

6 Reasons Why Mums Are Swapping Wine for CBD ?

Motherhood is challenging, and the frustration and chaos that mothers feel after a full day of parenting often take a toll on their health. Many mothers suffer from depression due to the endless responsibilities and household chores they manage, particularly Stay-at-Home Mums.

Traditionally, to cope with stress, women have turned to wine for relief. Some may even opt for stronger drinks such as Macallan. However, despite the comfort these beverages might provide, a growing number of mothers are exploring the benefits of cannabis products, specifically CBD, where wine falls short.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has gained widespread acceptance as a legal product with numerous health benefits. Many mums are now swapping their wine for CBD to achieve full body and mind relaxation.

Side Benefits Over Side Effects

While drinking wine can relieve stress, excessive consumption can lead to dehydration, hangovers, and increased calorie intake. Conversely, CBD offers not only stress relief but also additional benefits such as improved mood, better sleep, anxiety relief, and reduced inflammation. According to a study by PubMed Central, CBD has shown significant potential in reducing anxiety-related behaviours.

Combating Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Alcohol can exacerbate depression due to its sedative effects on the brain and interaction with neurotransmitters, potentially increasing feelings of depression and suicidal thoughts. In contrast, CBD possesses antidepressant and anxiolytic properties that help treat anxiety disorders, including Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

For example, a study published in The Permanente Journal found that CBD significantly reduced anxiety and improved sleep in a majority of patients.

Fighting Post-Natal Depression

Many mothers experience Post-Natal Depression after childbirth, leading to insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability, and difficulty bonding with their baby. This can also affect the cognitive development of their infants. CBD helps alleviate symptoms associated with clinical depression, including Post-Natal Depression and certain anxiety disorders.

According to Frontiers in Immunology, CBD’s ability to interact with serotonin receptors in the brain may explain its antidepressant effects.

Assisting in Better Sleep

Post-Delivery Insomnia is a common issue among mothers, leading to sleepless nights and increased stress and anxiety. CBD helps calm the nervous system, promoting a peaceful night’s sleep. Studies, such as the one from Current Psychiatry Reports, indicate that CBD can improve sleep quality and decrease the frequency of nightmares, particularly in patients with PTSD.


Unlike alcohol, which poses a risk of addiction due to social and chemical factors, CBD is non-addictive and does not produce the intoxicating effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This makes CBD a safer option for mothers seeking relaxation without the risk of addiction or significant side effects. The World Health Organisation has stated that CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.

No Long-Term Health Risks

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to numerous health issues, including mental and heart problems, liver diseases, and certain cancers. Alcohol also increases the risk of chronic liver inflammation and liver disease, which can be fatal. While CBD may cause mild side effects like drowsiness and dry mouth, these are less common and less severe than the long-term effects of alcohol consumption.

For instance, a review published in Pharmacology & Therapeutics discusses how CBD’s safety profile is superior to that of many commonly prescribed medications.


CBD offers numerous advantages over wine, prompting many mothers, including celebrities, entrepreneurs, and stay-at-home mums, to make the switch. Its benefits in addressing anxiety, sleep disorders, and alcohol addiction are encouraging more mothers worldwide to choose CBD as a healthier alternative to wine.

However, society must continue to support parents and children by finding effective solutions to the challenges they face. Providing essential support will significantly contribute to the health and well-being of mothers.

Moreover, the ongoing research into CBD’s potential benefits, as highlighted in numerous studies and reports, reinforces the importance of considering CBD as a viable option for stress relief and overall well-being. By staying informed and choosing scientifically-backed alternatives like CBD, mothers can improve their quality of life and better manage the demands of motherhood.

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